
June – July 2017



by Reagan Bradford

All residents of Mesta Park are invited to the Mesta Park Neighborhood Association’s Annual Neighborhood Picnic and Business Meeting at Perle Mesta Park located at NW 18th Street and Shartel Boulevard on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 beginning at 6:30pm. MPNA will provide the fried chicken along with sodas, water and ice. Residents of even- numbered houses are asked please to bring a vegetable, and

residents of odd-numbered houses are asked please to bring a fruit dish or dessert. For any residents of Mesta Park that are not members of the Neighborhood Association or the Historic Neighborhood Security Association, the picnic will be the perfect opportunity to learn more about becoming members. A table will be set up with information and membership forms for the residents. The proposed slate of officers and board members is listed on page 5 of this newsletter.

An invitation has been extended to the local Fire Department, EMSA, the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Department and the Oklahoma City Police department to attend the picnic. All residents of Mesta Park are encouraged to attend the picnic for an evening of good food and community. Come mingle and eat, and don’t forget your picnic blanket and chairs!


by Tom Peryam

Come ride with Kidical Mass OKC! Join us on June 10th at Perle Mesta Park at 10 AM. We’ll have some socializing and a safety check- in before we depart at 10:30. The June ride is all about “Fun in the Sun” so we will be heading to the splash pad at McKinley Park in historic Classen-Ten-Penn (1.1 miles away). Bring towels and sunscreen and, of course, your bike! Kidical Mass is a slow, family- friendly bike ride where no one gets left behind. Two wheelers, trail-a-bikes, trailers, cargo bikes, etc. are all welcome. Parents, please plan on riding with your kids. Ride Fun! Ride Safe! Ride Together!


by Susan Marshall-Armstrong

Annual Wilson Yard Sale, June 3! We need your toys, furniture, sporting goods, and other donations!

Donation dates will be Thursday, June 1 and Friday, June 2 before Saturday’s sale.

Congratulations to our very own Shannon Larsen! She is the OKCPS 1st runner-up for district Teacher of the Year!

It has been a wonderful year at Wilson Integrated Arts! We would like to thank our tutors for all their hard work this school year. We would also like to thank all the people who support us year after year, such as our friends at Sonic for our beautiful landscaping and the hundreds of volunteer hours they provide each year. A huge Thank You to Wilson Arts Inc. for all of your support and generosity, and Cathedral of Hope church for our extra school supplies and all your support.

Have a fun and safe summer Wolves!

Fall 2017 Enrollment, Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade.

New student enrollment for all grades Pre-K through 5th will be July 17th -28th 8:30 am – 2:30 pm. Returning student address verification (mandatory for all students) will be July 17th -21st.

First day of school is Tuesday August 1, 2017.

(NOTE: 6th grade will enroll at Taft Middle School starting in 2017-18)


by Jennifer Bowman

The Mesta Park Neighborhood Association presents the 2017 Mesta Festa, which will take place Sunday, September 24, 2017 from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Perle Mesta Park, located at NW 18th and Shartel Ave. Mesta Festa is free and open to the public, and will include a beer and wine garden, outdoor games like bocce ball and giant Jenga, arts and crafts, live music and dance performances, sand volleyball, local artist and pop-up shopping booths, as well as food trucks. Funds raised at Mesta Festa benefit the Mesta Park Neighborhood Association, contributing a significant portion to its annual budget. For more information contact: Jennifer Bowman, (405) 426-9698 or


The Nominations Committee is pleased to submit the following slate of individuals who have expressed their willingness to serve as officers and board members next year:

Officers: (serve a one-year term)

President: Don Steel
Vice-President: Cassi Peters
Secretary: Jennifer Bowman
Treasurer: Amy Dalebroux

Board Members: (serve three-year terms)

Term Ends 2018:
David Howald Steve Mathis Sherry Helsel Tyler Clinton Sarah Jordan

Term Ends 2019:
Dr Leonardo Baez Tyler Huskerson Lawanda Pickens Matt Hix
Dr Amy Wisniewski

Term Ends 2020:
Clayton Fike Micah Andrews David Carlson Ru Bradley Kyle Olson

Thank you to these members who have graciously agreed to serve our neighborhood in these positions. In June, the Nomination Committee will be slating Vice Chairs for the various committees in the neighborhood. Please take a look at the different ways you can get involved by visiting If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please contact President Don Steel at


June 3: Wilson Yard Sale
June 10: Kidical Mass OKC, Perle Mesta Park, 10am
June 13: Picnic in the Park, Perle Mesta Park, 6:30pm
Sept 24: Mesta Festa, 12-6pm, Perle Mesta Park