board of


Meet the community members behind the Mesta Park Neighborhood Association.


Board of Directors


  • Lindsey McCarty

  • Justin Brannon
    Vice President

  • Beth Wilson

  • Kyle Hazelrigg


  • Linda Tracy

  • Alicia Harris

  • Ryan Fogle

  • Na’Cole Elledge

  • Laura Linville

  • Olivia Mitchell

  • Debbie Wince

  • Brittany Hunt-Jassey

  • Troy Zaikis

  • Megan Coldagelli

  • Jackie Arnold

  • Mallory Carter

  • Holly Jarolim

  • Lindsey Clinton

  • Taylor Miller


  • Social – Holly Jarolim

  • Membership – Lindsey McCarty

  • Mesta Festa – By Committee

  • Park – JB Schulein

  • Newsletter – Laura Jergensen

  • Home Tour – Taylor Miller & Rachel Lawler

  • Lighting – Jackie Arnold

  • Social Media – Lindsey McCarty

  • HP PRC – Anne Zachritz


board & officer

  1. Attend a majority of regularly scheduled Board of Directors meetings during the term. 

  2. Accept and abide by the legal and financial responsibilities of the Board as outlined by the Association’s charter, these Amended and Restated Bylaws, state and federal statutes and regulations.

  3. Prepare for each Board of Directors meeting by reviewing the agenda, the Treasurer’s report and any other circulated items for consideration prior to the meeting and have questions ready.

  4. Vote according to one’s individual convictions. Keep the interests of the Mesta Park neighborhood as a whole in mind.  Challenge the judgement of others if needed, support the majority decision, work with all Board of Directors members and Committee chairs, and have a sense of humor.

  5. Support the Association’s fundraising by raising or contributing a minimum of $250.00 each fiscal year to the Association. This can include the sale of neighborhood event tickets, newsletter ad sales, in kind gifts or donations (such as renting Easter Bunny costume or providing supplies for the Association’s Home Tour). Each Officer and Director must provide documentation for their contribution to the Treasurer.  Association membership dues.

  6. Keep his or her Association dues current during the term.

  7. Avoid acting as a spokesperson for the Association or the Board of Directors and avoid entering into contracts on behalf of the Board or the Association unless specifically authorized by the Board to do so.

  8. Chair at least one (1) committee or serve on two (2) committees.

  9. Volunteer for the Association’s Home Tour by accepting at least two (2) assignments during the Home Tour.

  10. Agree to monitor and approve long-range improvements in our neighborhood by asking neighbors for input and desires for Perle Mesta Park and the neighborhood generally.

  11. Enhance the Association’s public image and help interpret the Association to Members and Mesta Park residents.

The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall exercise and perform such powers and duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Board of Directors or prescribed by these Bylaws, and shall have general supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the Association. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the President shall:

Preside at all Board of Directors and membership meetings.

Have authority to sign or countersign, as may be necessary, all checks, contracts or other instruments as may pertain to the ordinary course of the Association’s business and shall, with the Secretary, sign the minutes of all meetings over which he or she shall have presided.

Have authority to execute contracts except where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated to the Board of Directors or these Bylaws to some other Officer or agent of the Association.

Have such usual powers and duties of supervision and management as may customarily pertain to the office of President or chief executive officer and have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these Bylaws. The President shall also have the authority to cast the deciding vote at any Board of Directors meeting in which there is a tie vote on a motion.

In the absence of the President or in the event of the President’s death, inability or refusal to act, the Vice President, unless the Board of Directors determines otherwise, shall perform the duties of the President. When acting as the President, the Vice President shall have all the powers and restrictions of the President. The Vice President shall perform such other duties which the President or the Board of Directors may assign from time to time and as properly pertain to the office and shall perform other such duties as may be required by these Bylaws.

The Treasurer shall (a) have responsibility for all funds and securities of the Association, (b) receive and give receipts for moneys due and payable to the Association from any source, (c) deposit all such moneys in the name of the Association in depositories which the Board of Directors selects, (d) prepare or cause to be prepared a true statement of the Association’s assets and liabilities at the close of each fiscal year, and the revenues and disbursements thereof for the fiscal year then ended in reasonable detail, and (e) perform all duties which the President or the Board of Directors may assign from time to time and as properly pertain to the office and shall perform other such duties as may be required by these Bylaws.