Find out what we do to promote a safe environment in our community.
Security Association
The Historic Neighborhoods Security Association, Inc. (“HNSA”) is an Oklahoma non-profit corporation which oversees a dedicated patrol by off-duty uniformed Oklahoma City police officers engaged by the HNSA’s Board of Directors. Membership is voluntary and is separate from membership in Mesta Park Neighborhood Association, Inc. (“MPNA”). Residents of Mesta Park, Heritage Hills and nearby commercial property and business owners are eligible for membership in HNSA.
HNSA provides an extra layer of protection for HNSA members beyond that available by calling 911. HNSA members have immediate access to the HNSA patrol officers via mobile phone. Home checks and mail collection when you are out of town are made upon request. Activity in the neighborhood is reported to the HNSA Board of Directors. The HNSA patrol officers have the ability to act with the full authority of the law, including making arrests and calling for special City services. The police radio is on at all times and the officers carry their service weapons. HNSA owns and insures a patrol vehicle which is marked with the HNSA logo.

Your membership directly increases the HNSA patrol hours and ensures that HNSA remains a stable organization for years to come. Please join today! Contact the HNSA at for questions and registration. For more information, download the HNSA Security Patrol Fact Sheet. Billing and office services are handled by Neighborhood Services Corporation, a third party billing agency.